4 herbal remedies for sickle cell anemia
Sickle cell anemia is an inherited disease in which the initially flexible, round red blood cells become crescent moon- or sickle-shaped. As a result, blood flow through small vessels slows down or stops, leading to various symptoms. The only cure for sickle cell anemia is a stem cell or bone marrow transplant. However, recent studies have shown that certain herbs and their blend can also provide relief. Read on to learn more about the herbal management of sickle cell anemia. Niprisan herbal extract formula Nigeria has the highest number of sickle cell patients in the world. To help its citizens fight the disease, the Nigerian government’s National Institute for Pharmaceutical Research and Development (NIPRD) developed a herbal formula called Niprisan that has shown promising results. It is made with extracts from four different plants: Piper guineense seed: Also called the West African pepper or Guinea pepper Pterocarpus osum stem: An African timber Eugenia caryophyllus: Also called cloves Sorghum bicolor: Also known as sorghum, great millet, durra, jowari/jowar, or milo The main active compounds of these herbs are piperine, chavicine, capsaicin, and cubebin. The medicine is unlikely to cause significant side effects. Fagara zanthoxyloides Herbal management of sickle cell anemia involves a few other herbs as well, which have shown promising results.
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