5 ways to maximize the use of expired coupons
Coupons are an excellent way to save money. They can help you save big on just about everything from food to appliances, clothing, and more, at various stores and restaurants around the country. If you’re thinking you can’t use them post-expiry, we have news for you! There are many tips and tricks to ensure you can make the most of your coupons even after their expiration. Don’t cut off or hide the expiration date Don’t hide the expiration date by crossing it or cutting it out, because stores are less likely to accept a coupon without an expiration date. Check if the coupon has a grace period Several manufacturers have a grace period of a few days on their coupons. Check the fine print or research the coupon online before throwing it out just because it has reached its expiration date. Check if the store has a grace period Many stores are relaxed about coupon expiration dates, and may be willing to accept it even a few days after. Stores such as Bed, Bath & Beyond, Michael’s, Staples, and Petsmart are well-known for this option. However, they are more likely to accept their own coupons over those from a manufacturer.
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